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Tidbits - July 25, 2019 - Reader Comments: GOP Destroying Democracy; Puerto Rico Rises and WINS; Jackie Robinson, Paul Robeson and Colin Kaepernick; Iran; Europe's Right; Citizens United; What to Do When ICE Shows Up; Angela Davis and Black Lawyers; more

Reader Comments: GOP Destroying Democracy; Puerto Rico Rises and WINS; Jackie Robinson, Paul Robeson and Colin Kaepernick; Iran; Europe's Right; Citizens United; What to Do When ICE Shows Up; Angela Davis and Black Lawyers; and more ...


Brecht’s Poetry: Angry or Evil?

Michael Wood The London Review of Books
An extended ode to the revolutionary German playwright-genius Bertolt Brecht, whose exhaustive new collected poems exalt combating injustice while keeping faith in his fidelity to dissent.

Sweezy on the Rise of Fascism

Fabian Van Onzen Monthly Review
Sweezy adds a layer of historical analysis to the Comintern’s theory of fascism. He does this by defining it as the product of imperialism, which can only develop in the era of monopoly capitalism.
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