Child care is both hard to find and increasingly expensive for families. The average price of licensed child care for a U.S. family is nearly $11,000 per year, which is 33 percent of the median household income for single-parent families.
Sharon Parrott, Joel Friedman
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Raising revenues is central to any responsible effort to reduce deficits, but there is no sign that long-standing Republican resistance to raising revenues has reversed or even softened.
Biden has, at times, seemed sympathetic to Republican arguments to increase the age of retirement as a way to keep Social Security solvent and to modify how benefits are calculated adjusting for inflation -- maybe resulting in lower benefits.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing to kick military recruiters out of high schools and off Twitch. And she’s right: the military’s recruitment strategy of preying on low-income and working-class students is grotesque.
Right now, government money is flowing. But soon the self-appointed guardians of “fiscal responsibility” will call for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and SNAP, while leaving the defense budget and large tax breaks for the wealthy intact.
The U.S. already spends more than the next seven countries combined on a military that is seemingly incapable of either winning or ending any of the wars it’s been engaged in since September 2001.
...according to the Children's Defense Fund, kids now constitute one-third of the 38.1 million Americans classified as poor and 70% of them have at least one working parent -- so poverty can’t be chalked up to parental indolence.
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