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No, the PRO Act Wouldn’t “Kill” Freelancing

Brandon Magner Jacobin
Some freelancers have come out against the PRO Act, insisting that the pro-labor bill threatens their livelihoods. But they needn’t worry: the bill would transform labor relations for the better, it wouldn’t “kill” freelancing.


A Year of Organizing Freelance Journalists

IWW member-organizer Organizing Work
The Industrial Workers of the World Freelance Journalists Union is one year old. A member-organizer describes the campaign.


Will the Gig Economy Make the Office Obsolete?

Diane Mulcahy Harvard Business Review
Study after study after study demonstrate that independent, remote workers are more productive, satisfied, and engaged than their office-bound colleagues. Recent surveys find that workers, freed from the constraints of office life, report higher levels of satisfaction and greater productivity. These results aren’t surprising since remote work eliminates the wasted time of commuting and the stress of constant exposure to office politics, interruptions and meetings.


For Freelancers, Getting Stiffed is Part of the Job. Some in New York City Want to Fix It.

Lydia DePillis The Washington Post
A bill being introduced in the City Council Monday would require all employers to put contracts in writing, impose civil and criminal penalties for taking longer than 30 days to deliver payments, and award double damages plus attorneys fees to contractors who’ve been stiffed — similar to the protections now enjoyed by regular employees.


Temporary Jobs on Rise in Today's Shifting Economy

Tom Raum
"Workers increasingly serve businesses that do not officially 'employ' the worker — a distinction that hampers organizing, erodes labor standards and dilutes accountability," said Catherine Ruckelshaus, general counsel for the National Employment Law Project, which advocates on behalf of low-wage workers. A recent Federal Reserve study showed that nearly 7.5 million people who are working part time — contract workers included — would rather have full-time jobs.


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Reader Responses to Grocery Unions and Obamacare; Freelancers; Better Unions
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