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Media Bits & Bytes - Hacking, Stalking and Spying Edition

Kochs to Buy L.A.Times? Unions Say "No!"; Massive Biometric Database Proposal Hidden In Immigration Bill; NSA Releases Guide to Internet Spying; Scandal Sheets on the DoJ/AP Leak and Bloomberg Reporters Stalking Their Customers; Hollywood Challenges Books for the Blind; Girl Coder Beats the Boys in Hackathon Competition

Media Bits & Bytes - Who Is Watching Edition

Bombing in Boston: Social Media Got It Wrong; Digital Surveillance Got It Right; Cell Service Could Have Gotten Shut Down; Organizing Against CISPA Ramps Up; Crowdsourcing the Gun Control Bill; YouTube Shoots Down Viacom Again; The Orwellian Potential of Google Glass; NY Post Circles the Drain; A Virtual Newsroom Wins a Pulitzer; The Ongoing Gender Gap of the Global Internet; Bringing E-books to Third World Phones

When public infrastructure goes private

Michael Hiltzik LA Times
Google is bringing a fiber-optic data network to homeowners in Kansas City, Mo., and Kan., but without the usual regulations. That means underprivileged neighborhoods may be left in the digital dust.

Media Bits & Bytes - As The World Turns edition

AP drops the "i-word"; FCC’s future; When Google lost its cool; Are alt-weeklies toast?; A ‘disruptive’ cable channel; ProPublica meets Reddit; Time’s big lie; Kochs shop for dailies; Exxon > freedom of speech; NLRB Rules In Favor of CWA Against Cablevision

Media Bits and Bytes - Hall of Shame edition

Microsoft/Google war; Wiretapping Act extended; Content made to order for advertisers; PBS Nova’s drone cover-up; Telecommunication Companies Hall of Shame Awards; Disabled sue for web shopping access; Web search and email scanning expanded; MIT asked to release all Aaron Swartz documents; Cable news is unbearably white

Media Bits and Bytes - What You Don’t Know edition

Published by Portside
Google says the FBI is secretly spying on some of its customers; Journalists in the service of Pete Peterson; "Actipedia" Crowdsourcing platform goes public; Digital Elite flirts with Socialism (and Nixon) at TED; Commotion wireless: free and open way to network; Moving from an age of Internet scarcity to abundance; Apps are creating new jobs, but also adding to unemployment; Meet the new mobile workers; Quantum Computing moves forward...
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