Homelessness | John Oliver
With homelessness increasing nationwide, John Oliver takes a look at the way we discuss the unhoused, what policy failures are making the problem worse, and how we can help.
Multilingual Disinformation | John Oliver
John Oliver discusses how misinformation spreads among immigrant diaspora communities and how little some platforms have done to stop it.
Friday Nite Videos | August 13, 2021
The Sacklers and Opiods: You Judge
John Oliver explains how the Sackler family has been handling opiod lawsuits and why you should judge the situation for yourself.
Friday Nite Videos | July 30, 2021
Housing Discrimination | John Oliver
John Oliver breaks down the long history of housing discrimination in the U.S., the damage it’s done, and, crucially, what we can do about it.
Friday Nite Videos | July 2, 2021
Health Care Sharing Ministries
Health Care Sharing Ministries advertise themselves as a more affordable, faith-based alternative to health insurance. John Oliver explains some of the massive limitations these plans can have.
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