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Democrats Must Stop Dismissing Diplomacy With North Korea

Minju Bae & Ju-Hyun Park Truthout
The last two years of Korean-led intergovernmental cooperation have laid the groundwork toward peace and reunification. U.S. progressives ought to be supportive of that process — it’s their obligation to history and morality.

Global Left Midweek - October 24, 2018

Mexican President-Elect Defends Caravan, Demos in Haiti, Belgian Vote Breaks Green and Left, Korean Women's Movement, People's Power in Uganda, Rising Right Threatens Americas, Euro Parliament: Gysi Speaks

Korea Reflections

Michael Leon Guerrero US Labor Against the War (USLAW)
group photo of union activists Report on a May 2018 delegation of US trade unionists, Black Lives Matter, and other social movement activists to trade unions in Korea, sponsored by US Labor Against the War and the Korean Trade Union Confederation.

Statement of Unity on the U.S.-North Korea Summit

Korean Americans and Allies Zoom in Korea
peace in Korea demonstration It is our hope that the Korean Peninsula–once a land of strife, brutalized by over a century of colonization, division and war–will become a source of strength and inspiration for all as a beacon for peace, reconciliation, and unification...

Disarmament: Two Roads Diverge

Pat Hynes and Frances Crowe Portside
World peace, “the most important topic on earth….not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.” That was 1963, the president was was John F. Kennedy. Contrast to today and the desire for ever greater stockpiles of nuclear bombs.
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