"Where human rights are the compass, we will be better placed to overcome this pandemic and build resilience for the future”. This includes the right to freedom of association, and to strike, without fear of retaliation.
One of the most significant bills to strengthen workers’ abilities to organize in the past 80 years passed the House on Thursday, the latest sign of momentum for the labor movement.
Staffers at the New York City Council began a card campaign in late November, a key step in the process that involves collecting signatures to show support for forming a union. They now have more than enough support to be formally recognized.
by Juliana Feliciano Reyes
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Advocates of worker rights in Philadelphia pushed for more funding to enforce some of the most progressive worker laws in the country - resulting in a 400% increase in recovered wages.
One New York public employee union —the New York State Nurses Association—is advocating for the abolition of the Taylor Law's no-strike rule. Other unions recognize that labor needs offensive weapons. Yet most are ambivalent or opposed.
There’s a new member of the Trump administration. His name is Eugene Scalia, and he’s now the US labor secretary. US labor leaders are worried that he will work hard to undo worker protections put in place under the Obama administration.
The Global Climate Strike, for trade unions, would necessarily mean a call for immediate and significant reductions in emissions while respecting the need for a just transition to protect workers and their communities.
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