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Tidbits – March 24, 2022 – Reader Comments: Ukraine War; Ketanji Brown Jackson; War of Aggression or ‘Military Intervention’; Clarence Thomas and Jan 06; Triangle Factory Fire; Labor Media Coverage; Starbucks Organizing; Martin Luther King; More

Reader Comments: Ukraine War; Ketanji Brown Jackson; War of Aggression or 'Military Intervention'; Nuclear weapons; Clarence Thomas and Jan 06 Coup; Triangle Factory Fire; Labor Media Coverage; Starbucks Organizing; Martin Luther King; Announcements

Tidbits – March 24, 2022 – Reader Comments: War in Ukraine; Take Action – Support Peace Talks Now!; Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson; “The Godfather”; Labor Secretary Pro-Labor?; Labor and Russian War on Ukraine Webinar; Rudy Lozano; More…

Reader Comments: War in Ukraine; Take Action - Support Peace Talks Now!; Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Senate hearing; "The Godfather"; Labor Secretary Who Is Pro-Labor?; Labor and the Russian War on Ukraine WebinarRudy Lozano; more....

When Baseball Players Formed Their Own League

Robert B. Ross, Michael Arria Jacobin
Major League Baseball is mired in a lockout, as team owners refuse to budge just weeks before Opening Day. It’s a perfect time to look back at when the players revolted against the owners and started their own league: the 1890 Players’ League.

Union Membership Resumes its Fall

Doug Henwood LBO News
Unions raise wages and benefits and increase job security. So, the fact that unionization rates are still in decline, despite some recent bright spots in worker militancy, is very bad news.

Moments of Rupture: The 1930s and the Great Depression

Michael Goldfield and Cody R. Melcher Organizing Upgrade
Occasionally, in politics and social-economic struggles, there occur "moments of rupture," periods of dizzying and dramatic change when hosts of opportunities present themselves and existing arrangements of power are radically altered.
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