Top leaders in Unite Here Local 226 in Las Vegas have been circulating attacks on Bernie Sanders and his Medicare for All proposal. They should listen to their membership and stop slandering the most pro-worker candidate in the race.
How Senate candidate Sarah Riggs Amico, running against ex-CEO David Perdue in Georgia, sacrificed her family business investment to save jobs and pensions
After years of givebacks and autocratic leadership under James Hoffa Jr, the power of the Teamsters has withered. Rank-and-file activists are mobilizing against contract concessions, taking over locals and building a coalition to transform the union.
In Chicago, Mexican workers formed the ranks of a proletariat that drew from these historical experiences and contemporary events in Mexico, moving into left politics and communist-led U.S. labor unions during the years of the Great Depression.
In order to fully confront the complexities of how to actually have a just transition away from fossil fuels, workers in those industries need to be at the front of those conversations.
Is eight hours really the ultimate truth? I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life, such as culture. This could be the next step for us in working life.
The vast majority of the House Democratic Caucus are progressives on the issue of trade. They have staunchly insisted that without drastic changes, a new NAFTA is not worth having. They have taken their cues from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.
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