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This Land Is Co-Op Land

Amie Stager In These Times
A hundred years ago, radical Finnish immigrants founded a cooperatively-owned park to escape political repression on Minnesota’s Iron Range. It’s still “a workingman’s paradise.”

DSA Debates Show Growing Pains

Christine Riddiough Convergence
DSA’s six-year growth spurt has fundamentally changed the organization. To resolve the deep issues it faces, it needs to meet the organizational challenges this change poses.

Angela Davis 1971 Prosecution : First Hand Remembrance

Michael Myerson Jacobin
When Angela Davis was arrested after two months on the lam in 1971, Michael Myerson interviewed her and a codefendant in jail — turning him into a prosecution’s witness. He was now in a tough spot: Could he defy the prosecution without going to jail

Tidbits - July 1, 2021 - Reader Comments: Voting Rights; Trump Indictment; Defund the Police; Juneteenth; Lidice Remembered; NYC and Unions Sell Out Retirees; Gay History - Readers Debate Portside post; Critical Race Theory; Anti-Racist Resources;

Reader Comments: Voting Rights; Trump Indictment; Defund the Police; Juneteenth; Lidice Remembered; NYC and Unions Sell Out Retirees; Before Stonewall - Readers Debate Portside post; Critical Race Theory; Anti-Racist Resources; and more....

Embracing Both/And: A Response to Linda Burnham

Alicia Garza Organizing Upgrade
cover of newspaper In order to access the power we need to change our lives, we must work to dismantle power as domination and instead, advance power through interdependence, relationship and cooperation.

Tidbits - May 28, 2020 - Reader Comments: I Can't Breathe - Again; Trump Second Term Means Tyranny; Reader's Respond on Tara Reade; Open Churches?; Vietnam; Indonesia; Chile; Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Cold War - Again; announcements; resources

Reader Comments: I Can't Breathe - Again; Trump Second Term Means Tyranny; Reader's Respond on Tara Reade; Open Churches?; Vietnam; Indonesia; Chile; Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Cold War - Again; Resources; Events:COVID and mass incarceration; June 20th

Activism Then & Now: Organizing in the Pre-Twitter Era

John Eklund Portside
There’s no question that social and digital media are transforming the way movements are built and organized. But technology by itself has never overthrown a tyrant nor seized state power. Self-expression is a potent thing, but as a plan of action it’s just a start. Progress demands that the contemporary social media-based resistance overcome its fear and loathing of leadership, organization and ideology.


Remembering Michael Harrington

Maurice Isserman Democratic Left
Michael Harrington, a founder of Democratic Socialists of America believed that to change the consciousness of a nation, one had to be prepared to build an organization, start a publication, speak in a thousand halls to crowds of hundreds, or scores, or tens, if necessary, recruiting comrades from those converted by the sound of one’s voice and the strength of one’s arguments.
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