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Court: ICE and L.A. Sheriff Unlawfully Detain Thousands of Suspected Immigrants

ACLU Southern California ACLU Southern California
immigrant rights protest balloons On Thursday, a federal court in California ruled that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) unlawfully detained thousands of suspected immigrants on the basis of unconstitutional requests from ICE known as immigration detainers. “The court’s decision vindicates years of work by the Los Angeles immigrant community to challenge the Sheriff Department’s abuses and throws a major wrench in the Trump administration’s deportation machine,” said Jessica Bansal, litigation director of NDLON.

Palestinian American Women’s Association Pulls Out of Women’s March LA

rashadstan Happy Arab Blog
In a statement issued on its Facebook page, the Palestinian American Women’s Association announced that it is boycotting the Women’s March in Los Angeles. The announcement came after actress Scarlett Johansson was confirmed to speak at the march. Johansson was a spokesmodel for SodaStream, an Israeli company that manufactures home fizzy drink machines in an illegal Israeli settlement, built on land from which Palestinian Jahalin Bedouins were forcibly expelled. Here’s PAWA’s full statement:

Leaping with the Angels, Leaping for the People

Anthony Karefa Rogers-Wright The Leap
During a early November week-end, nearly 80 local leaders gathered at Debs Park in Los Angeles, to begin framing a justice-based vision of how the second largest city in the United States can go fossil fuel free by 2025. We brought together a spectrum of organizers from the frontlines of Indigenous rights, environmental justice, labor and food justice, and more.

Why We Need Community Centered Climate Policy Even More

SCOPE Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE)
Since the passage of the closed door California climate deal in late July, SCOPE has joined forces with grassroots leaders from across the state to organize town-halls, ground-truth the impacts of polluting industries in our neighborhoods, meet with legislators in Sacramento, and continue to push forward a community-led vision for transformation that starts in our own neighborhoods.

Gente-fied | Series Trailer

GENTE-FIED is a web series produced by America Ferrera that follows seven characters as they deal with the effects of change in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle Heights. An explosion of fusion tacos, LGBTQ raza, micheladas, defiant murals, generational clashes and more.

The Color of Wealth in Los Angeles: New Study Reveals Nuanced Story of Race and Wealth in LA

Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, William Darity, Darrick Hamilton UCLA Asian American Studies Center
Racial and ethnic differences in wealth show extreme vulnerability of some nonwhite households in Los Angeles. The authors estimate that the typical U.S.-born black or Mexican family has just 1 percent of the wealth of a typical white family in Los Angeles -- or one cent for every dollar of wealth held by the average white family in the metro area. Koreans hold 7 cents and Vietnamese possess 17 cents for every dollar of wealth owned by comparable white families.
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