Lakota historian Nick Estes talks about the violent origins of Thanksgiving and his book Our History Is the Future. “This history … is a continuing history of genocide, of settler colonialism and, basically, the founding myths of this country,”
The University of Wisconsin at Madison was a hotbed of student radicalism in the 1960s. and left-wing activists there were among the first of their generation to organize around issues related to their own mis-treatment as workers.
Reporter Confronts MyPillow CEO. 'Hit The Road Mitch!': Schumer's Epic Power Move Remixed. How Can We Afford Medicare for All in Massachusetts? AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama. What If the Gulf Stream Current Stopped?
The Bay State’s deep-blue reputation obscures a cynical political establishment that’s more interested in accruing power than in advancing progressive policies.
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