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Coming Soon: Bipartisan Deficit Hawks Calling for Austerity

Ari Rabin-Havt Jacobin
people waiting in line Right now, government money is flowing. But soon the self-appointed guardians of “fiscal responsibility” will call for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and SNAP, while leaving the defense budget and large tax breaks for the wealthy intact.

Tidbits - Nov. 28, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment-Obfuscation, Corruption; Benjamin Netanyahu; Bolivia, Chile; Puerto Rico; My Lai Massacre; Whistleblowers, Amazon; workers rights-Climate Crisis, #MeToo; book sale; more....

Reader Comments: Impeachment, Obfuscation, Political Corruption; Benjamin Netanyahu; International Solidarity- Bolivia, Chile; Puerto Rico; Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre; Whistleblowers, Amazon; workers rights-Climate Crisis, #MeToo; book sale; more.


Yup, Trump Did Scam Us

Gregory N. Heires
Apart from filling corporate coffers and the pocketbooks of the 1 percent, the $1.9 trillion cut has put the federal government in a financial straightjacket.

Trump Administration’s Harmful Changes to Medicaid

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
These restrictions have already cost many thousands of people their health coverage and access to care and could harm millions more.

The Untapped Power of Rural Voters

LaTosha Brown New York Times
Rural voters hold enormous potential for progressives. When Donald Trump came in 2016, many rural voters were desperate. He promised to bring back factory jobs. He promised to bring back coal-mining jobs. Sure, these were lies. But they were lies.


Unions, States Confront Trump Home Care Worker Rule

Sophie Quinton Pew Research Center
The rule is "a blatant political attack on a group of workers that are 90% women and majority people of color,” said April Verrett, president of SEIU Local 2015, which represents some 380,000 California home care and nursing home workers.

Donald Trump's Sneak Attack on Social Security

Nancy J. Altman Independent Media Institute
"Chained CPI" might sound technical and boring, but anyone who has closely followed the Social Security debate knows better. It has long been proposed as a deceptive, hard-to-understand way to cut our earned Social Security benefits.
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