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John Oliver: Mental Health Care

John Oliver discusses the cracks in our broken mental health care system, some of the inadequate ways we’ve tried to fill them, and what it all has to do with the gallbladder.

Tidbits - Jan. 6, 2022 - Reader Comments: Green New Deal; Martin Luther King; Paul Robeson, 40s, 50s Civil Rights Movement; Fred Hampton; Africa, Congo, Lumumba, CIA; Athletes, Mental Health; Fossil Fuels; Medicare; NYC Labor & the New Mayor; more

Reader Comments: Green New Deal and 2022, 2024; Omicron; Martin Luther King; Paul Robeson, 40s, 50s Civil Rights Movement; Fred Hampton; Africa, Congo, Lumumba, CIA; Athletes and Mental Health; Fossil Fuels; Medicare; NYC Labor & the New Mayor; more


An Idea Whose Time has Come: the Four-Day Workweek

Leah Hancock The Baltimore Sun
Four-day workweek pilots are emerging across the globe, with some companies now shifting from the pilot phase to implementing the policy permanently. Beyond the U.S., political leaders are voicing support for the concept.
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