Neoliberal counterinsurgency, an extreme form of waging repression through private means and for private interests, is subtler than judicial repression, and more difficult to trace and hold accountable.
The Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965 began the process of Congress’ providing “military-grade hardware” for local police departments, enabling local police to produce heavily militarized responses to anti-racism protests today.
Medea Benjamin, Leonardo Flores
Foreign Policy in Focus
Progressive groups are pushing a potential Biden administration to base its policies toward the region on non-intervention, cooperation, and mutual respect.
Sharp reductions in spending on police, prisons, and the Pentagon could free up hundreds of billions of dollars for programs that might begin to fill the gap in spending on public investments in communities of color and elsewhere.
William J. Barber, Phyllis Bennis
Foreign Policy in Focus
Thanks to years of hyper militarization, American police departments are recreating our global war zones here at home. With these weapons on our streets, our history of structural racism becomes that much deadlier.
Police foundations across the country are partnering with corporations to raise money to supplement police budgets by funding programs and purchasing tech and weaponry for law enforcement with little public oversight.
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