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Millennials, White-Collar Workers Bringing New Life to Unions

Katie Johnston Boston Globe
Workers across many industries are increasingly banding together and standing up against management as part-time and contract work grows, automation amps up, and wages barely budge, labor observers say. Silicon Valley tech workers have started a coalition to unite.

Let the Kids Lead

Mike Males Yes! Magazine
demonstration made up of young people Younger people consistently see human rights—racial, immigrant, gender, LGBT—as important and uncontroversial.


From the Supreme Court to a Constitutional Convention, Labor is on the Defensive

“Millennials view unions favorably and are worried about their economic security and are appalled by the monstrous economic inequality that threatens to reduce the future of the American dream to rubble." said Henry Garrido, executive director of District Council 37, which represents roughly a third of New York City’s municipal workforce If we don’t focus on engaging the next generation of American workers, then ours may be the last generation of unionized workers.”

DSA Members Comment on Their 2017 Convention

Portside anticipated that the DSA convention would be a watershed event for the left. Just before it was called to order, membership surpassed 25,000. The group was making a leap from minor to major, and we welcomed that. We contacted some DSAers we know who were present, to bring you their views on what the meeting meant for DSA and the left.

Tidbits - May 11, 2017 - Reader Comments: GOP Health Plan = Death Squads; Trump Tax Plan; Locked Up for Being Poor; Politics of Questioning Civil War and Slavery; Time to Save Net Neutrality; Building Bridges Across the Generation Gap: more...

Reader Comments: GOP Health Plan = Death Squads; Trump Tax Plan - More for the Rich; It Could Have Been Me (protests then and now); Locked Up for Being Poor; Politics of Questioning the Civil War (and the end of Slavery); Time to Save Net Neutrality; Announcements: Building Bridges Across the Generation Gap: Shared Struggles; Michelle Alexander and Susan Burton; Posters - Reclaim! Remain! Rebuild: Affordable Housing, Gentrification & Resistance; and more...

Blaming Millennials for Trump - 99 Problems But the Kids Ain't One

Scott Goodstein Policy.Mic
Young voters were the only age bracket that Clinton actually won. We need to stop blaming them. Far from sitting on their hands, today's young voters are actively engaged. If the Clinton campaign is dissatisfied with their level of millennial support, they should take a hard look at where their young voter strategy failed.

Did Identity Politics Destroy Sanders' Chance of Winning?

Linda Martín Alcoff The Indypendent
A thoughtful and nuanced look at the role identity played in this year's primary contest between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton by a Sanders supporter. Hillary's passionate female (and male feminist) supporters are speaking with sincerity about their hopes for a gender revolution. The reality is that women work for less pay; do more childcare; are often single parents; must weather sexual harassment, abuse, and assault throughout their lives...
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