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Three Myths the Telecom Industry is Using to Convince Congress to Repeal the FCC’s Privacy Rules, Busted

E. Falcon, J. Gillula, C. McSherry, K. Tummarello Electronic Frontier Foundation
(Fair warning: some of these are fairly wonky, so if you’re not the type that gets excited by telecom law, you can always skip to the part where you call your senators and representative and tell them not to repeal the FCC’s ISP privacy rules—because if we raise our voices together, we can stop Congress before it’s too late.)

We the People and our Patents

Shobita Parthasarathy The Conversation
An early expression of democracy, the US patent system is out of step with today’s citizens.

To Improve Access, Break Up Monopolies

Dipak Gyawali Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Unresponsive power institutions are a bad legacy of the 20th century. And they are the biggest obstacle to improved electricity access for the developing world's poor people -- whether women, children, or men.
Subscribe to monopolies