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The Billionaires Have Captured Donald Trump

Alex Shephard The New Republic
Desperate to avoid prison—and needing cash to win reelection, so he can pardon himself—Trump is selling his administration’s domestic and foreign policy to the highest bidder. He is traveling from billionaire to billionaire, with hat in hand....

Why Arab States Aren’t Using Oil as a Weapon Against Israel

Hafawa Rebhi Jacobin
During the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Arab oil producers cut off exports to Israel’s allies. Faced with today’s Israeli war on Gaza, Gulf states dismiss the idea of using the “oil weapon” — an index of how much they have abandoned the Palestinian cause.

Tidbits – Sept. 14, 2023 – Reader Comments: March To End Fossil Fuels – THIS SUNDAY; Looming UAW Strike – What You Can Do; Abortion Rights; Africa and France; Class Visits by Anti-War Veterans; 50 Years Ago Democracy Died in Chile; Cartoons;

Reader Comments: March to End Fossil Fuels - THIS SUNDAY; Looming UAW Strike - What You Can Do; Abortion Rights Attacks on All Workers; Africa and France; Class Visits by Anti-War Veterans; 50 Years Ago Democracy Died in Chile; Cartoons; more....

Tidbits – Sept. 7, 2023 – Reader Comments: Correction; Trump Use of Scottsboro; Conservative Plan To Dismantle Govt; UAW Message to Big 3; 88% People Under 30 View Unions Favorably; Solidarity Rally With UAW; JOIN MARCH TO END FOSSIL FUELS – Sept 17

Reader Comments: Correction; Trump Use of Scottsboro Case; Conservative Plan To Dismantle Govt; UAW Message to Ford and Big 3; 88% people under 30 view unions favorably; Solidarity Rally with UAW; JOIN THE MARCH TO END FOSSIL FUELS -- September 17

The World Is Burning. Here’s How We Stop It.

Bernie Sanders FOX News
We can still avoid the worst impacts of climate change, save money, and make energy grid more resilient. "Obviously, climate change is not real. I’ve heard, you’ve heard, "expert" after "expert" telling us for years how climate change is a "fraud."

Biden Expected to OK Alaska Oil Project

Ben Lefebvre and Zack Colman Politico
The expected approval of the massive Willow oil project would be just the latest shift by Biden toward the political center before a potential reelection bid.
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