Detroit police killed hundreds of unarmed Blacks in response to the civil rights movement. Their ability to get away with it reveals why most of today’s proposals to make police more accountable are bound to fail, and how we can do better.
How many Black people have to be killed by police before politicians realize that expensive reforms don’t work? Like so many Black Americans, Wright justifiably feared police interactions. The Black fear of police is grounded in provable police bias.
Under Dr. Fowler’s leadership, the Maryland Office of the Medical Examiner has been complicit in creating false narratives about what kills Black people in police encounters.
Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; lots of Zoom events;
Law professor and scion of a widely read radical activist/author family, Rosa Brooks went beyond the blue wall of silence in her inside view of American policing. Among the retrograde lessons stressed in training, “Anyone can kill you at any time.”
Police Raids | John Oliver. You With Us? F.T.A. Re-Release | Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland. Invest in Our New York 2021. Dr. Seuss Is Not Cancelled. It's Just Time to Retire Books With Racist Imagery.
The 2020 platform of the Democratic Party is the most pro-labor it has ever been. But the onus is on us [to make sure that] once we get him elected, we don’t get bought off by coffee at the White House.
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