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Free Cash, Mergers, and Capital Spillage

Craig Medlen Monthly Review
It is the purpose of this article to relate how this creeping stagnation has added its own force in contributing to the monopoly power associated with consolidation and to current wealth disparities.


Inequality Without Class

Simon Torracinta Dissent
This book surveys how leading economists, over the last two and a half centuries, have accounted for wealth and income inequality.


Industrial Policy Isn’t a Panacea for Rebuilding Organized Labor

David Karas Jacobin
Faced with China’s rise, Western states are turning from free trade dogmas to active industrial policies. This turn may offer opportunities for labor — but as the electric auto industry shows, it is also producing a harmful logic of national rivalri

Racial Capitalism and COVID-19

Zophia Edwards Monthly Review
patient being transported Many social scientific analyses of the global political economy...are race neutral or willfully indifferent to the persistent racial pattern of global inequalities. If they do address... colonialism, they ignore embedded racial logics of oppression.

U.S.- China Trade War

Zhiming Long, Zhixuan Feng, Bangxi li, Rémy Herrera Monthly Review
Has the Real "Thief" Finally Been Unmasked?


Walking the Tightrope: Latin America’s Pink Tide

Frederick B. Mills New Politics
The lessons of the Pink Tide of leftist and leftish governments in Latin America that marked much of the period following 1998 but were undone by rightist movements, US meddling, world economic crisis and internal weaknesses are aptly told....
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