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Netanyahu Breaks Ceasefire To Save Political Career

Interview of Muhammad Shehada by Amy Goodman Democracy Now
“When you’re in crisis, nothing would unite your government, nothing would suppress any sort of protest or opposition, more than killing Palestinians.”


The Uneasy Alliance Between Frederick Douglass and White Abolitionists

William G. Thomas III New York Times
Douglass refused to cede the Constitution to the slaveholders. He insisted the Constitution did not sanction slavery, that natural law and the Constitution assured liberty, and political action would be necessary to destroy slavery and secure freedom

Coalitions of Convenience, Periods of Polarization

Van Gosse Organizing Upgrade
The Democrats are the through-line in U.S. political history, which is the first reason we need to understand them. A second reason is that figuring out the left’s relationship to the Democratic Party is crucial for left strategy today.

Celebrate Black August: The Power of Prisoner-Led Organizing

Critical Resistance Critical Resistance
huge crowd in streets and bridge The month of August bursts at the seams with histories of Black resistance--from the Haitian Revolution to the Nat Turner Rebellion, the Fugitive Slave Law Convention and the founding of the Underground Railroad...

Women Fighting For Their Homes Face Jail, While Bankers Go Free

Richard Long Campaign for America's Future
Five years after Wall Street crashed the economy, not one banker has been prosecuted for the reckless and fraudulent practices that cost millions of Americans their jobs, threw our cities and schools into crisis, and left families and communities ravaged by a foreclosure crisis and epidemic of underwater mortgages.
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