Series of gatherings around the country builds momentum for June 20 march.The notion that victims of poverty are no longer willing to be blamed for their plight surfaced again and again at the mass meetings.
Reader Comments: Impeachment - GOP Stirrings, Trump Sanity, Racism and First Impeachment, Mormon Women; Tulsi Gabbard; Resource - Year of White Racist Terrorism; Witness at the Border-Brownsville TX; Poor People’s Assembly and March-Washington, DC;
The Poor People's Campaign brings together people who usually are apart; leaders from the ranks of the poor are learning from each other. We got to dig deep among the people who are hurting, so we can give unity to a movement to better conditions.
Poor People's Campaign continues to organize. The message: "it will be the poor and dispossessed of this nation that will save us from self destruction.”
The new Poor People's Campaign is preparing for 40 days of non-violent "direct action" in about 30 states that will climax with a rally in Washington this June.
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