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The U.S. ‘Six-Party System,’ Ver. 5.0

Carl Davidson Convergence
We can best understand the major political parties in the U.S. as constantly changing coalitions with no firm commitment to program or discipline. The electoral strategic terrain is constantly changing...

Tidbits - Nov. 11, 2021 - Reader Comments: Swing Voters, Virginia, Progressive Caucus, The Squad; Films and Set Workers; Spartacus at 60; Langston Hughes; Palestine and Gaza; Student Vote; Multi-Cultural Children's Books; End Blockade of Cuba; more....

Reader Comments: Swing Voters, Virginia, Progressive Caucus, The Squad; Films and Set Workers; Spartacus at 60; Langston Hughes; Palestine and Gaza; Student Vote was substantial; Multi-Cultural Children's Books; Help End Blockade of Cuba; more....

Here Are the 6 House Democrats That Voted No

John L. Dorman Business Insider
"Conservative Democrats are trying to tell my community that we should just shut up and accept a half deal," Rep. C. Bush tweeted. "... We won't accept anything less than the President's full agenda."
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