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Friday Nite Videos -- April 8, 2016

Was Hillary Influenced by Bankers? Elizabeth Warren Answers. Crosby Stills Nash & Young | Teach Your Children. Samantha Bee | Team Cruz. Rachel Maddow Interviews Jane Sanders. Panama Papers: Shadow Economy for the World's Elites.

Rachel Maddow Interviews Jane Sanders

Jane Sanders, wife and top advisor of Bernie Sanders, offers candid and revealing observations about the state of the presidential campaign and her role in it, including how Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton "are not on the same page."

Friday Nite Videos -- March 18, 2016

Rachel Maddow | Bernie Sanders. Masters of War. Transporters and Quantum Teleportation. Making A Killing: Guns, Greed & the NRA. Samantha Bee | Cruz 101.

Rachel Maddow | Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders talks where he sees his path for success and the role of superdelegates in determining the Democratic nominee.

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