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Assembling a New Left

Terence Renaud Los Angeles Review of Books
This book, says reviewer Renaud, "fits squarely within a left tradition that highlights Marxism’s method rather than its dogmatic prescriptions," in trying to come to terms with today's insurgent, left-oriented social movements.

A Pledge to Transform the Resistance, and America

Richard Eskow Our Future
A popular narrative today is that we live in a country which is deeply divided. And the Democratic Party, we are told, is nearly as split as the nation itself. But chatter in the press and social media may overlook some fundamental points of agreement about changes we need to make in our economy. That’s the premise behind a new pledge, the “Agenda for Good Jobs, Sustainable Prosperity, and Economic Justice,” that has been signed by more than 70 prominent progressives.


Race and the Logic of Capital

Alan Wald Solidarity
Shortly before his death, James Baldwin wrote that in the U.S., “White is a metaphor for power,” an observation that is deep background for much of the discussion in the masterly book under review, where race and class are intertwined, yet surface differences are used to split the labor force and maintain capital’s hegemony. The book can usefully inform debate on race and class and aid in reconstructing a revolutionary project in the context of Trumpworld.

Ruby Pinto on Art and Activism Working Together

Christian Belanger, Ruby Pinto Chicago Magazine
The focus of the exhibit, Do Not Resist? 100 Years of Chicago Police Violence, curated by For the People Artists Collective, is on the past 100 years of police brutality in Chicago. In particular, we wanted to draw attention to the resistance that’s happened here.


How Organizers in Rural North Carolina Plan To Build Working-Class Power in 2018

Sarah Jaffe In These Times
Welcome to Interviews for Resistance. We’re now nearly one year into the Trump administration, and activists have scored some important victories. Yet there is always more to be done, and for many people, the question of where to focus and how to help remains. In this series, we talk with organizers, agitators, and educators, not only about how to resist, but how to build a better world.


Trump’s Triumph, Labor Resistance?

Peter Olney New Labor Forum
The election of Donald Trump produced a rash of commentaries heralding the death of organized labor, or at minimum an existential crisis. Although these epitaphs are not new and are very overblown, it is true that organized labor prematurely backed the corporate Democrat, failed to elect the candidate it did back, and is left divided over how to deal with the presidency of Donald Trump.


Street Fighting Men

Luca Provenzano Los Angeles Review of Books
This book is an international history of the movement named "Antifa," discussing its roots and constraints. Reviewer Provenzano offers an assessment.

Building Resistance on Trump Island

Jane Latour The Indypendent
In Staten Island, one union local is propelling a growing labor-community alliance deep in New York’s Republican recesses.
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