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The Evolution of Post-Soviet Ideology

Arseniy Krasnikov Russian Dissent
There is no dividing line between the Russian “quasi-liberals” of the 90s and the ideology of Russian imperialism today. They are aligned politically and economically, the first easily spilling over over into the second.

The New Inflation Picture

J. Bradford Delong Project Syndicate
Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the bond market's 5-10 year projection of annual chain-weighted personal-consumption-expenditures inflation reached 2.27%, raising concerns that another big shock could de-anchor inflation expectations. But since that didn't happen, the Federal Reserve now should reconsider its position.

The Bitterness of Victory, the Sweetness of Defeat

Anna Ochkina Russian Dissent
Russia faces the greatest defeat in its history. Russia had lost the moment the first bomber took off towards Kyiv because at that moment Russia had only two options - to become an invader or to be crushed on the battlefield.

Tidbits – Dec. 22, 2022 – Reader Comments: Georgia Victory, Electoral Politics, Electoral Strategy; Rail Workers; Doctors and Unions; After Dobbs; Ending ‘American War’: Promises, Realities, Impact of U.S. Peace Movement; Cartoons, More …

Reader Comments: Congress to the People: Jan. 06 The Grave Crimes of Donald Trump, IRS Returns Show Paid Zero Taxes; Remembering Charlene Mitchell; Readers Disagree: Ukraine War; Concern about AI; White Lotus; Countries with Most Female Inventors

Can the Left Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?

Vijay Prashad CounterPunch
We need to be far more generous with each other, able to hold conversations without resort to insults and abuses. Out of disagreement comes understanding. But out of malicious slander only comes disorientation.

Shadowboxing and Geopolitics on the Dark Web

Mohar Chatterjee Politico
The takedown of a Russian darknet marketplace exposed cracks within the cyber-criminal underworld — and the global effort to shut down these digital black markets.

The Ukrainian Left View on the Prospects of Peace Negotiations

Denys Bondar and Zakhar Popovych Соціальний Рух (Social Movement Ukraine)
Lately, in the West, the sentiment on the prospects of a peaceful end to the war imposed on the Ukrainian people is heard more and more often. But are such negotiations possible, and who will benefit from them? And does Putin actually want peace?

Putin’s Russia, Front and Rear

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
The majority of the population is already in favor of a speedy end to the war. But what bodes ill for the authorities is the confusion, disunity and mutual claims of the upper classes.
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