Uber and Lyft are not opposing Question 3, which would give some bargaining rights to drivers but keep them as independent contractors without full labor protection.
How a culture of gross sexism in the airlines created America’s most militantly feminist union. Every officer comes from the ranks of working flight attendants, there is no gap between the lived experience of the rank and file and union leadership.
As the economy opened up to women a half century ago, one in three working women was an office employee. As the clerical workforce grew by leaps and bounds, so did a sense of injustice among the women, leading to the founding of the 9 to 5 Movement.
While Ms. Shuler's moving up the AFL-CIO hierarchy has been the favored route to the organization's presidency, Ms. Nelson will be counting on her elevated profile as an outspoken leader of a militant union if she runs against her.
A key way to build broader support for the Green New Deal among organized labor, some labor experts say, is to help workers change who head the Laborers, Mine Workers and Electrical Workers unions, which oppose the Green New Deal.
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