Key & Peele - Basketball Commentary
Two basketball announcers offer candid observations about the game that they're covering.
Two basketball announcers offer candid observations about the game that they're covering.
Amy Schumer, Bill Cosby's defense attorney, presents irrefutable evidence of her client's innocence.
We've all become so accustomed to stage driven, focus group candidates that authenticity comes across as lunacy. Then there's Bernie, who honestly represents his political beliefs rather than playing a cynical political game.
In honor of Ireland's first-ever national referendum enshrining the right of marriage, we present the inimitable Roy Zimmerman's satirical take on 'Defenders of Marriage.'
Jon Stewart wades through all of Jeb Bush‘s different answers on Iraq. Misheard the question. Mistakes get made all the time. These questions do a disservice to the soldiers. Really, is it so hard?
A black man who's stopped by the police discovers that there's a way to escape racism.
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