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On the Long Road to Organizing a Starbucks Union

Brendan Maslauskas Dunn Shadowproof
As Starbucks Workers United expands from shop to shop, workers face an onslaught of union-busting tactics. But union fever is spreading rapidly as workers at over 400 locations have filed petitions for union elections, with more planning to do so. 


Southern Service Workers Launch a New Union

Stephanie Luce Labor Notes
Hundreds of service workers from across the South gathered in Columbia, South Carolina, November 17-19 to launch the Union of Southern Service Workers (USSW).


The Upstart Union Challenging Starbucks

E. Tammy Kim The New Yorker
Baristas nationwide are remarkably organized. Is the company’s C.E.O., Howard Schultz, using firings, store closures, and legal delays to thwart them?
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