Sara Nelson
Association of Flight Attendants, CWA, AFL-CIO
Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants is calling on "conference activists from across the Labor Movement" to conduct a "general strike to end the government shutdown."
A sickout by unpaid federal employees could bring the impasse—and their status as hostages to the president’s whim—to an end. Federal workers might learn from the successful example set by teachers from West Virginia to Arizona in 2018.
Reader Comments: Impeachment; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Returning to a 70% Marginal Tax Rate; TSA Agents Call-In Sick and the Right to Strike (Not); New Attack on Civil Rights Icon Angela Davis, Jews, BDS and Anti-Semitism; and so much more.....
Reader Comments- Shutdown; Tea Party; Keystone XL; Pensions; AFL-CIO Convention; Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap; Class War; Education & Testing; Edward Snowden; GE; Israel;
Announcements - Healthcare Crisis in Indiana -Lafayette- Oct 26; Protest Idan Raichel - Israeli Artist and Israeli Army Supporter -New York- Oct 27; Pack the Court: New York Stop and Frisk Case- Oct 29; Labor Education Open House -NYC- Oct 30; ALBA Human Rights Documentary Film Festival- New York- Nov 22 - 24
Toddlers and Tablets; Rebooting Internet Governance; 60 Minutes Disabuses the Disabled; Glenn Greenwald breaking bad; New Ventures in Journalism; Infographic - New TV Media Giants
Sociologist Theda Skocpol tells what drives the angry right -- and what comes after the government shutdown. The Right in this country, over the last half century, has recognized that fighting across many localities and states is worth it. And they've developed mechanisms for doing that, and that turned out to have a big payoff in Congress. The real problem that you've got right now on the Left is how to defeat this stuff, how to contain it, how to beat it.
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