Biden's Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill amounts to only 1.5 percent of US gross domestic product. If it were to pass as is, the US social support system would still be small by world standards.
Marty Hart-Landsberg
Reports from the Economic Front
Solving our child-care crisis requires strong, bold policies. World War II government efforts to ensure accessible and affordable high-quality child care points the way to the kind of bold action we need.
A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it. The pandemic served as a stark reminder of at least two things: that the nuclear family is not enough and that schools can’t be its sole safety net.
We need ongoing feminist solidarities to address...abolition, demilitarization and sex worker rights while continuing to work to end policing; for the decriminalization of sex work; for safe. accessible housing; and for stronger social safety nets.
Almost half the global workforce - 1.6 billion people - are in "immediate danger of having their livelihoods destroyed" by the economic impact of Covid-19, the International Labour Organization has warned.
The coronavirus didn't break America. It revealed what was already broken. Trump acquired a federal government crippled by years of right-wing ideological assault and steady defunding. He set about finishing the job, destroying the civil service.
Feel-good news stories are hard to resist. And why wouldn't they be? The rest of the news is stressing us out. Political divides are deepening. The world is getting hotter. Ending, maybe.
Everyone who cares about Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid needs to vote November 6. If GOP politicians and the donors who own them retain full control of Congress, they are determined to pass their longstanding goal of ending all three programs.
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