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Friedrich Engels at 200: A Revolutionary Historian

Christian Hogsbjerg History Workshop
November 28, 2020 marks the bicentenary of the birth of Friedrich Engels. The German revolutionary philosopher made pathbreaking and profound contributions to modern social and political theory, playing a critical role in developing classical Marxism

Tidbits - Dec. 3, 2020 - Reader Comments: Stopping Future Authoritarians, Working Class Voters, Urban-Rural Divide; Nursing Home Workers; Georgia Runoff; Biblical Roots of Socialism; China; How to Rebuild the Economy; Discount/Free Books; Announcements;

Reader Comments: Stopping Future Authoritarians, Working Class Voters; Nursing Home Workers; Georgia Runoff; Urban-Rural Voter Divide; Biblical Roots of Socialism; China; How to Rebuild the U.S. Economy; Discount/Free Books; Resources; Announcements;

Why Is Socialism Becoming Less Scary?

Peter Dreier Talking Points Memo
A look at the new documentary, “The Big Scary ‘S’ Word” in which director Yael Bridge explores how socialist ideas that were once considered radical are now taken for granted by most Americans.

Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson

Interview by Derrick O'Keefe Jacobin
Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of more than twenty books, including New York 2140. He talked to Jacobin about his latest work, his vision of socialism, and why we must fight to imagine the end of capitalism rather than the end of the world.

Angela Davis - One of The New York Times Five Greats

Nelson George; Photographs by John Edmonds New York Times
Before the world knew what intersectionality was, the scholar, writer and activist was living it, arguing not just for Black liberation, but for the rights of women and queer and transgender people as well.

Friday Nite Videos | October 9, 2020

Scowls, Smirks, Eye Rolls. Higher Ground (Stevie Wonder) | Playing For Change. The Big Scary 'S' Word | Trailer. A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair. Newman Trashes Trump.

The Big Scary 'S' Word | Trailer

The Big Scary “S” Word explores the rich history of the American socialist movement and the people striving to build a socialist future today.

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