An analyst of socialism's return writes as an advocate for its necessity, with particularly shrewd assessments of how the new American socialism can advance, and, alternatively, how it may marginalize itself into irrelevance.
Socialists’ goal isn’t to destroy liberalism, but to transcend its limitations — pairing civil liberties and other liberal rights with a democratic, egalitarian foundation that makes those rights real.
A pair of leftist historians has undertaken compiling a six-volume collection of Eugene Debs’s writings and speeches. We spoke with one who detailed Debs’s journey from moderate young trade union leader to courageous socialist militant.
The lessons of the Pink Tide of leftist and leftish governments in Latin America that marked much of the period following 1998 but were undone by rightist movements, US meddling, world economic crisis and internal weaknesses are aptly told....
Labor journalist John Swinton visited the Marx family on vacation in Southern England and wrote this dispatch showing Marx in his last years - no less astute, productive and committed to the class struggle than at any time in his adult life.
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