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Trump’s Threats Expose Canada’s Utter Dependency on the US

Adam D.K. King interviews Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
The immediate task is to address delinking from the United States and the American Empire. This is not about aiming for a nationalist form of sovereignty but one based on collectively and democratically determining what kind of society we want.

Democratic Socialist Post-Election Musings

Tom Gallagher Medium
Much of the post-election Democratic Party fretting has appropriately centered on the degree to which it has lost the presumption of being the party of the working class. One solution: "Maybe Democrats have to embrace a Sanders-style disruption."

Tidbits - June 6, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment - Time for Congress to Act; Cuba Travel New Restrictions; German Bundestag anti-BDS resolution; Socialist Strategy; Juneteenth; Reclaim Pride Coalition; lots of announcements....

Reader Comments: Impeachment - Time for Congress to Act; New Restrictions on Travel to Cuba; Measuring Unemployment; German Bundestag anti-BDS resolution; Socialist Strategy; Juneteenth history; Reclaim Pride Coalition; lots of announcements....

The case for radical modernity

Jeremy Gilbert Red Pepper
Socialism has only been able to develop a successful political programme when it has understood itself as a modernising project, working with the grain of technological and organisational progress

Syriza - The "Small Party" in Power

Catarina Príncipe and George Souvlis Jacobin
How do Syriza's origins and Greece's political economy affect its capacity to govern? Jacobin interviews Michalis Nikolakakis, political adviser to the minister of economy, infrastructure, maritime affairs and tourism. Before joining Syriza, Nikolakakis was also active in the youth wing of Synaspismos. Here he discusses the origins of the Greek crisis, the relationship between Syriza and the state, and what accounts for the rise of the radical left in Greece.

Tidbits - July 17, 2014

Reader Comments - Detroit Denying Its Citizens Water; New Voices for Peace by Jews; Politics and Lies Triggered an Unintended War; UK's Largest Union Backs Boycott; Portside Readers Respond - Whither the Socialist Left; How Social Movements Can Win; Bernie Sanders; On the Waterfront and Working-Class Studies; Scotland; Common Core and Bill Gates; Equal Rights Amendment

Tidbits - May 29, 2014

Reader Comments - Cecily McMillan; Prison Labor; William Worthy; Syria; Timothy Geithner and Wall Street's Bailout; College Debt; U.S. Subversion in Latin America; Venezuela; Announcements - This Weekend - Left Forum (May 30 - June 1) - Reform and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice; Raising America's Pay - Launches June 4; Meet UnionWiki; Call for Papers - Fighting Inequality: Class, Race, and Power
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