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A Voice from America’s Black Belt

Carla Bell Los Angeles Review of Books
Bakari Sellers is one of the most promising activist political leaders in Southern, and perhaps national politics. "“I’ve geared my life towards understanding who I am and fighting against systemic oppression and injustices,” he says.

Why Southern Democrats Saved Biden

Mara Gay New York Times
For those who live in the shadow of segregation and racial terror, the election is not about policy or personality. It’s about something much darker.

The Funke Wisdom of Chocolate Cities

Mary F. Corey Praxis Center
A Review of Chocolate Cities: the Black Map of American Life by Marcus A. Hunter & Zandria F. Robinson, University of California Press. Chocolate Cities is an ode to agency. A work of truth-telling without polemics, this book almost literally breaks new ground, revising our most basic ideas of US geography while questioning the truth claims of social science itself.


How to Grow a Union in an Anti-union State

Jana Kasperkevic
Union organizers in states like Tennessee are hoping to change that. Since 2010, the number of union members in Tennessee has grown from 115,000 to 155,000. Still, only 5.7 percent of Tennessee workers are members of a union.How To Patrick Green, even one new member is a big deal. Green is a president of Local 1235, which is part of the Amalgamated Transit Union in Nashville, Tennessee. In the three years that he has been leading the union, the local’s membership rate went up by 36 percent, despite being in a right-to-work state.


Harvesting Union Rights in the Field

Sonia Singh Labor Notes
Unlike most guestworkers, many in North Carolina have a say in their working conditions and seniority rights because they belong to a union, the Farm Labor Organizing Committee.


Workers School Lifts Up Southern Organizing

Dante Strobino Workers World
The Southern Workers Assembly has been building the Southern Workers School as an important institution to train and develop rank-and-file workers to organize the South. The school has held eight sessions since March tackling issues and basic organizing skills such as learning how to map your workplace and tips for one-on-one discussions with co-workers.
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