In the early 1960s, Rutha Mae Harris faced armed police as she sang at demonstrations across the US. The voice of the civil rights movement reflects on Martin Luther King, Donald Trump, racism and resilience.
Sandy Smith-Nonini and Olivia Paschal
Facing South
Georgia's first large outbreaks, took place in its rural southwest counties, mainly affected Black people, who are the majority of poultry workers in that region. Pres. Trump's executive order declared processing plants "critical infrastructure."
Race Man captures the full output of Bond’s long and distinguished career, first as an activist with SNCC, then as a member of the Georgia legislature, then as an academic, finally as a writer and aging lion of the civil rights movement.
Two American heroes died Friday. The most well known was Rep. John Lewis, 80. The other was the Rev. Cordell Tindell “C.T.” Vivian, at 95. The lesser known part of his work — his years in Chicago — that changed the fate of the city and the nation.
If the work of abolition is not only about stopping prisons, but also about imagining a future in which we win, then people cannot be released from prisons only to be put on the streets or to premature disability at the poultry factory.
Will older, socially conservative voters care so much about culture-war issues in the midst of a pandemic? This Bronx election suggests political patterns might evolve more broadly among older voters in places like Florida and the Sun Belt.
Janet Wells Greene
New York Labor History Association
The Southern Key argues that much of what is important in politics and society today was largely shaped by the successes and failures of the labor movements of the 30s and 40s, notably the failures of southern labor organizing during this period.
Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; Problem When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Southern Communists; Roy Cohn;
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