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Bradley Manning Verdict

If Bradley Manning was acquitted of aiding the enemy but convicted of espionage, who was he spying for, us?


Media Bits & Bytes - Three Card Monte Edition

Palestinians Blocked from Getting Smartphone Service; NSA Technology Simply Too Old to Search; Who Owns Your Data When You Die?; New Computing Physics Soon to Emerge from NASA-Google Partnership; GED Gets a Digital Makeover and Faces Competition

Media Bits & Bytes - Shifting Terrain Edition

Ethnic Press Across the Country Share a Single Editorial on Immigration; the Microsoft Empire is Fading Fast; the Expansion of Mass Surveillance Limited Only by Technology; More Media Consolidation will not Cure the Problems of Media Consolidation; Cubans Finally Get Some Access to the Internet, but It's Not Cheap; Americans are Using Their Smartphones in Unexpected Places

From Ike to “The Matrix”: Welcome to the American dystopia

Andrew O'Hehir Salon
We live in a country that embodies three different dystopian archetypes at once: America is partly a panopticon surveillance-and-security state, as in Orwell, partly an anesthetic and amoral consumer wonderland, as in Huxley, and partly a grand rhetorical delusion or “spectacle,” as in Dick or “The Matrix” or certain currents of French philosophy.


The Robot Will See You Now

Jonathan Cohn The Atlantic
"In Brazil and India, machines are already starting to do primary care, because there’s no labor to do it,” says Robert Kocher, an internist, “They may be better than doctors. . ." The rising costs of health care, an aging population in the United States and other nations, are spurring investments into the development of sophisticated machines that will be able to perform tasks now done by highly skilled workers. What may be the impact on the healthcare workforce?
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