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Tidbits – June 6 – Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; the Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB; More…

Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; The Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Feminist Foreign Policy for Peace; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB

Hold On to That Fear

Mike Ferner Portside
The fear you felt that day was an authentic reflection of what millions of people have endured because of the votes you and past colleagues cast as they authorized trillions upon trillions of dollars to feed and unleash the largest war machine ever.

The US Has Military Bases in 80 Countries. All of Them Must Close.

Alice Slater The Nation
US bases are wreaking havoc to the health and well-being of communities across the world. The United States has approximately 800 formal military bases in 80 countries, a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called “lily-pond” bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe.


John Edgar Wideman's "Writing to Save a Life"

Charles R. Larson Counterpunch
Wideman's mixed-genre work examines the lives and legacies of the young Till, his father, Louis Till, and what they can tell us about racism and about families.
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