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The Other America

Liz Theoharis Tom Dispatch
The New Politics of the Poor in Joe Biden’s (and Mitch McConnell’s) USA

Poor People’s Campaign Puts the Spotlight on Poverty

James Goodman The Progressive
Series of gatherings around the country builds momentum for June 20 march.The notion that victims of poverty are no longer willing to be blamed for their plight surfaced again and again at the mass meetings.

The Shame of Child Poverty in the Age of Trump

Rajan Menon Tom Dispatch
young girl holding cardboard sign "Please Help" ...according to the Children's Defense Fund, kids now constitute one-third of the 38.1 million Americans classified as poor and 70% of them have at least one working parent -- so poverty can’t be chalked up to parental indolence.

The PPC Demands National Debate on Poverty

The Poor People's Campaign The Poor People's Campaign
Poor People's Campaign demonstration When 250,000 people die every year from poverty, it is time for the presidential candidates to make good on the promises they made during the Poor People’s Campaign Moral Action Congress in June 2019 to push for a debate on poverty.

Bonds of Memory and the Fight for Economic Justice

Michael Honey Commercial Appeal
Sanitation workers marching in Memphis threatened by national guards. The bonds of memory and today’s vast disparities in wealth and well-being tell us that we must continue the struggle launched by workers and by King in the spring of 1968. Today, more people live in poverty in America than in 1968. Now as then, the majority of the poor are “white” but poverty’s heaviest concentration is among people of color, especially young people and women. Poverty exists in part because most of the new jobs in Memphis, as in America, do not pay a living wage.

Extreme Poverty in the US Is A Political Choice of the Powerful

Kenneth Surin CounterPunch
A homeless child in Bend, OR. Following his US fact-finding mission, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights concluded extreme poverty in the US “is a political choice made by those in power. With political will, it could readily be eliminated.”

Communing with Dr. King on the 50th Anniversary of his Beyond Vietnam Speech

Howard Machtinger National Council of Elders
What follows is written in concert with the project initiated by the National Council of Elders on April 4, 2017: Time to Break Silence. Groups around the country will stage public readings of Martin Luther King’s Beyond Vietnam speech on its 50th anniversary. In confronting the deeply rooted racism, militarism and materialism of the United States, Dr. King described the United States as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

Jessica Weisberg
The word “inequality” makes conservatives uncomfortable, as if it invokes class struggle, the 99 percent versus the 1. They much prefer “mobility,” which connotes a purely aspirational relationship to wealth and the wealthy.
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