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Tidbits - Jan. 20, 2022 - Reader Comments: Supreme Court Spreads COVID, Children, Schools, Omicron; Capitol Armed Coup Plotters; Voting Rights; Real Martin Luther King; Harry Belafonte; Don’t Look Up; Student Activist Scholarships; more....

Reader Comments: Supreme Court Spreads COVID, Children, Schools, Omicron; Progressives and Democrats; Capitol Armed Coup Plotters; Voting Rights; Real Martin Luther King; Housing and Profits; Don’t Look Up; Student Activist Scholarships; more....

How Pandemic Inequality Has Killed 21,000 a Day

John Queally Common Dreams
A new report explains how inequality contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day of the pandemic while the wealthiest collectively got $1.2 billion richer every 24 hours.

Tidbits - Jan. 13, 2022 - Reader Comments: COVID Vaccines; Hospitals in Trouble; Solidarity and Internationalism in Today's World; Sidney Poitier; Thomas Piketty Turns to Socialism; Rosa Luxemburg; Martin Luther King; Anne and Carl Braden;

Reader Comments: COVID Vaccines; Hospitals in Trouble; Solidarity and Internationalism in Today's World; Sidney Poitier; Thomas Piketty Turns to Socialism; Rosa Luxemburg; Martin Luther King and Today; Anne and Carl Braden; Labor History; more....

The Nazi Language of German Anti-Vaxxers

Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young Counter Currents
In reference to the cynical Nazi slogan Arbeit Macht Frei – Work Makes You Free that the SS had placed at the entrance of Auschwitz, Germany’s present-day anti-vaxxers use the slogan, Vaccinating Makes You Free – in German: Impfen Macht Frei.

Friday Nite Videos | December 17, 2021

Sen. Raphael Warnock: Bipartisanship at Whose Expense? The Children Will Rise Up! | Nandi & Roman, With Tom Morello. A Universal Flu Vaccine Is Closer Than You Think. Red Rocket | Movie. Fighting Algorithmic Bias | Joy Buolamwini.

Cuba’s Vaccine Could End Up Saving Millions of Lives

Branko Marcetic Jacobin
Thanks to its public biotech sector and its government’s deep commitment to public health, Cuba is now the only low-income country to have made its own COVID vaccine, and it's poised to help millions around the world.
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