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How Israel Plans To Whitewash Its War Crimes in Gaza

Dan Owen +972 Magazine
The Israeli army uses the veneer of internal accountability to fend off external criticism. But its record reveals how few perpetrators are punished. Every day, more and more horrifying evidence emerges, revealing what many Israelis seek to repress.

Bye Bye Bibi, Bye Bye

Michael Moore Michael Moore Blog
In one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington, Kamala Harris has for months been quietly urging President Biden to end your war on the people of Gaza.

Henry Kissinger Is a Disgusting War Criminal.

Ben Burgis Jacobin
It’s Henry Kissinger’s 100th birthday today. The fact that this monster is celebrated instead of in jail tells you that he’s part of a much bigger problem — and that problem is America’s global empire.

Tidbits - July 8, 2021 - Reader Comments: Condo Collapse; Rumsfeld Dead; Voting Rights; Critical Race Theory; Filibuster; How to Defeat Capitalism; Maggie Phair Remembered; Take Action - Syringes to Cuba; Book Sale; Summer Organizing Institute;

Reader Comments: Condo Collapse; Rumsfeld Dead; Voting Rights; Critical Race Theory; Filibuster; How to Defeat Capitalism; Maggie Phair Remembered; Take Action - Syringes to Cuba; Book Sale; Summer Organizing Institute; Black Arts; more....

Tidbits - May 30, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; Abortions; Medicare for All; NY Farm Workers; Pardoning War Criminals; Bolivia; Germany and BDS; Toronto General Strike; East Side Freedom Library; Faith Leaders Call To Action; more....

Reader Comments: Impeachment; Abortions; Medicare for All; NY Farm Workers Win Right to Organize; Pardoning War Criminals; Bolivia; Germany and BDS; Toronto General Strike; East Side Freedom Library; Reality Winner; Faith Leaders Call To Action; more
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