Mateo Crossa and James M. Cypher
Dollars and Sense
On July 1, 2020, NAFTA was replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new labor provisions require Mexico to restructure its labor relations system with US oversight. Mexican workers will most likely continue to suffer.
Worker action has helped push the Vietnamese government to address COVID-19. At the time of writing, there have been 334 cases and no deaths. Through strikes and workplace activity, workers have demanded protection and support.
With the Lordstown GM plant closing, the idea of tackling worker alienation, behind workers 1972 "industrial Woodstock," seems lost. The measure of that loss is in news that the US death rate is rising due to suicide and drug overdose.
The postal strike of 1970 lasted only a couple of weeks. The purpose was to demonstrate conclusively that postal workers could be pushed only so far. It could be described as an unsanctioned or wildcat strike, and it was also a felony-level crime.
According to some reports, longshore workers are fed up with the NY Waterfront Commision's refusal to hire full-time workers, excessive drug testing and outsourcing of work.
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