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Saudi’s Brave Women Pull Back the Curtain on Crown Prince MBS

Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold Independent Media Institute
The fact that MBS lifted the driving ban and simultaneously put in prison those who had campaigned and suffered for such reforms makes clear his actual motive: to silence dissent and prevent these women’s voices from being heard.

Ciudad Juárez 300 Mujeres Muertas 500 Mujeres Desaparecidas

Center for Study of Political Graphics Center for Study of Political Graphics
femicide poster As femicide continues to plague the world, we must continue to fight the systems that are complicit in their acceptance of it and for the families demanding justice for their loved ones.

The Drive to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment, Explained

Anna North Vox
Virginia has voted to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Although obstacles still exist, it bolsters activism for gender equality. And it marks a profound change in Virginia, a state that in the past had often been on the wrong side of history.

Women’s Unpaid Labor in Political Economy* Revisited

Carol Hanisch and Kathy Scarbrough Meeting Ground OnLine
cover of Women's Liberation newspaper At a time when women’s crucial and unresolved unpaid labor in the home is largely overshadowed by #MeToo, loss of abortion rights, and an upsurge of violence against women, it is good to be reminded of this core oppression.
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