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Tidbits – Apr 27, 2023 – Reader Comments: McCarthy’s MAGA Holds Country Hostage; Military Budget, Arms for Israel; Harry Belafonte, Social Justice Song List; May Day in New York; Ukraine What Next?; Fighting for Democracy in the Workplace

Reader Comments: Young Voters Message; McCarthy's MAGA Holds Country Hostage; Military Budget, Arms for Israel; Harry Belafonte, Social Justice Song list; May Day in New York; Webinars: Ukraine What Next?; Fighting for Democracy in the Workplace

Seymour Melman and the New American Revolution

Jonathan Feldman Counterpunch
Seymour Melman believed that both political and economic decline could be reversed by vastly scaling back the U.S. military budget which represented a gigantic opportunity cost to the national economy. He believed in a a revolution in thinking and acting centered on the reorganization of economic life and the nation’s security system.  The core alternative to economic decline was the democratic organization of workplaces.


New Rules for Radicals

David Moberg In These Times
George Goehl and National People’s Action spent the last 6 years developing a new organizing strategy. The organization now commits itself to a vision of a “new economy”: democratic and public control of finance, and cooperative and alternative forms of business ownership. NPA also envisions giving workers real decision-making power within corporations and giving the public the right to revoke the charters of corporations that provide too little social value.
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