Portside typically aims at reviewing books offering a radical, cogent POV. This is not the case for the book here, a political slapdash whose trade-promoted author justifies if not glorifies mass slaughter in promoting war aims and imperial ventures.
This day in 1945, Nazi Germany finally surrendered. Faced with revisionist attempts to claim the war was a struggle between “twin totalitarianisms,” we should remember the working-class partisans who resisted the fascist violence
The men and women who went to work and war during World War II were backed by a care economy. We need one too. What are the basic facilities necessary to enable our society to function? And then let’s fund the answer.
Taken together, or alone, the reasons offered in defense of the bomb do not justify the massacre of civilians. We debase ourselves, and the history of civilization, if we accept that Japanese atrocities warranted an American atrocity in reply.
Some saw the collapse of the German Empire as a decisive and traumatic break in the historical continuity of the state. Nothing, in the book author’s view, more profoundly exemplified this revolt against history than National Socialism.
The exhibition “Rendering Witness: Holocaust-Era Art as Testimony” demonstrates the power of art. The artists may have been silenced in the homicide of the Nazi 's final solution, but their clandestine art work survives as an outspoken memory.
“If you want peace you must prepare for war," - despite its history, support for a growing and aggressive military finds many such rationalizations in today's Germany. Meanwhile, the peace movement continues to demand base closures.
African American anti-fascist intellectuals sought to link colonialism and U.S.-style racism with European fascism using a variety of rhetorical and artistic means. This book offers a portrait of those efforts.
“If everyone intermingled—like we did when we linked up with the Russians—there could be no war.” On April 25, 1945, American and Russian soldiers met at the Elbe River and made a pledge for peace that we should heed today.
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