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Can Democracy and Billionaires Coexist?

Sam Pizzigati
Not on this planet. The wealthiest of our wealthy, a just-released report from Americans for Tax Fairness points out, are doing their best to keep these good times — for America’s rich — rolling.

Invest In the Public Now

Zephyr Teachout Albany Times Union
New York’s economic development policy was all about developing the pocketbooks of campaign donors and leaving working class and poor New Yorkers behind, cutting out small businesses, favoring cronies, leaving communities struggling for resources.

Friday Nite Videos | June 25, 2021

Sha’Carri Richardson Wins Gold & Carl Nassib Becomes First Openly Gay NFL Player. The Music’s Back in This Region. A Crime On The Bayou. Buy, Borrow, Die: How America's Ultrawealthy Stay That Way. How Quantum Mechanics Helps Birds Find Their Way.
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