Sarah Jones: One Woman, Eight Hilarious Characters
In this hilariously lively performance, actress Sarah Jones channels an opinionated elderly Jewish woman, a fast-talking Dominican college student and more.
Donald Rumsfeld: The Unknown Known
In The Unknown Known, Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris (The Fog of War) offers a mesmerizing portrait of Bush's Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
A Dog, a Noun and a Verb
Chaser the border collie responds to combinations of three verbs and three nouns, demonstrating understanding of their independent meaning
Open Access Explained!
What is open access? A Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD) comic takes us through the world of open access publishing and explains just what it's all about.
Stop Freaking Out About the Debt
Why the national debt isn't as scary as you think, in under two minutes.
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