In a city where grown men shoot little boys eating ice cream cones and where meanness is the norm - Ron Clark was a kind and honorable man and that made him special. Clark died in May 2019, and our city is the poorer for it.
Reader Comments: The Right to Vote...or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Immigration; Resources; and more....
No, the coronavirus is not an “equalizer.” Black people are being infected and dying at higher rates. Here’s what Milwaukee is doing about it — and why governments need to start releasing data on the race of COVID-19 patients.
A defeat to Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature . . . A 2016study by The Sentencing Project estimated more than 1.4 million people living in Florida were ineligible to vote due to past felony convictions.
Black Americans’ relocation back to the south is changing voting blocs and making Democratic races more competitive. This month, for the first time, South Carolina registered a million voters of color.
Reader Comments: 2020 - Nevada, Medicare 4 All, Campaign to Stop Bernie, Culinary Workers, Pittsburgh AFL-CIO; Economy a Bust; NYC School Segregation, Corporate Schooling; Black History; Civil War, Reconstruction; Labor Notes; lots of announcements;
Reader Comments: Impeachment Not a Mistake; 2020 elections; Sanders, Warren Bloomberg; Voting Rights and Suppression; Economy is Bad; Plant Conversions; Socialists Can Govern; 50 Years - Kent State and Jackson State murders; Announcements; more
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