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Unions Rip Senate’s Obamacare-Repeal Move

Seven Wishnia Labor Press
"Several American labor unions reacted angrily to the Senate’s vote July 25 to take yet another crack at dismantling Obamacare. AFSCME President Lee Saunders called the vote “morally indefensible,” while Randi Weingarten of the American Federation of Teachers said it was “cruel and heartless.”


Unions Flex Political Muscle at the Democratic National Convention -- But Uber and Airbnb Lurk

Justin Miller The American Prospect
The labor movement's agenda was on full display at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Union delegates numbered roughly one-quarter of the convention’s 4,000-plus delegates. Still, there were stark reminders that labor has struggled to keep at bay the party’s coziness with corporations, especially those of the Silicon Valley disruption variety. Ride-hailing giant Uber—not unionized taxi cabs—served as the DNC’s exclusive shuttle service.


AFT, NYSUT and UFT Presidents on Hillary Clinton’s New York Primary Win

Press Release American Federation of Teachers
AFT President Randi Weingarten along with the leaders of the American Federation of Teachers, the New York State United Teachers and the United Federation of Teachers praised Secretary Hillary Clinton for her win in the New York primary and thanked their members who volunteered and voted in their thousands.

Why My Fellow Adjuncts and I Decided To Form A Union at Our Community College

Luke Niebler In These Times
The barriers to organizing adjuncts are real and difficult to overcome. We often don’t know our coworkers, we are decentralized and our lack of security creates a pervasive fear among adjuncts. However, the only way that we will be able to fight for increased pay, greater job security and a voice in the college is by working collectively.


American Federation Of Teachers Endorses Hillary Clinton For President -

American Federation of Teachers American Federation of Teachers
The American Federation of Teachers executive council voted overwhelmingly to endorse Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party primary for President of the United States on Saturday, July 11. The union has more than 1.6 million members. President Randi Weingarten said "Hillary Clinton is a tested leader who shares our values.


Charter School Teachers Trying to Unionize

Kim Wheeler WKYC Cleveland Channel 3
There will be a mail-in vote for union representation from July 21 to Aug. 4 for teachers at the "I Can" charter school in Northeastern Ohio. The American Federation of Teachers plans to file Unfair Labor Practice Charges for alleged retaliation against nine teachers whose contracts were not renewed. Teachers are concerned over class sizes as large as 40, and special needs students not having their needs met. Click the link at the bottom to watch the video.


Face of U.S. Unions Shifting More to Public-Sector Workers, Women

Tom Raum The Detroit News (Associated Press)
A majority of union members today now have ties to a government entity, at the federal, state or local levels. Roughly 1-in-3 public-sector workers is a union member, compared with about 1-in-15 for the private-sector workforce. The typical union worker now is more likely to be an educator, office worker or food or service industry employee rather than a construction worker, autoworker, electrician or mechanic. Far more women than men are in unions.


De Blasio Pushes a 9-Year Contract for Teachers

Steven Greenhouse The New York Times
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration is pushing for what would be the longest-ever contract with the teachers’ union: a nine-year deal that would let the city stretch out potentially huge retroactive pay increases. A nine-year deal for teachers would actually date to Nov. 1, 2009, when the union’s contract expired. But it would extend for another four and a half years — after Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, would face re-election in 2017.
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