We should be grateful that the title “apartheid,” to denote the Israeli regime between the river and the sea, is becoming more and more common and legitimate...A dynamic, active and dangerous dimension of it is Jewish settler colonialism.
More signs that support for Israel is cracking among U.S. progressives. Randi Weingarten, labor leader and liberal Zionist, is not condemning some locals' backing for BDS. Another sign that support for Israel is cracking among U.S. progressives.
Progressive Black Democrats are reviving a radical tradition of Palestine solidarity in Congress, challenging Black leaders in their own party and Washington's support for Israeli state violence.
The same broad coalition that saved Biden’s primary campaign and helped get him across the line in November, could now become a powerful counterweight to the pro-Israeli traditions of the Democratic party.
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Criticizing or opposing Zionism as a form of nationalism is prima facie not antisemitic, nor is the BDS movement, nor are comparisons to Israeli policy with apartheid, if the goal is to critique the state—the Jerusalem Declaration opens up space...
Activist and scholar says he is being denied tenure at Harvard University because of his views on Israeli occupation. There is a long history of attempts to suppress or have outspoken critics of Israel fired from academic posts.
Criticism of Israeli policies and expressions of Palestine solidarity, while always to some degree controversial, had long been part of acceptable political discourse on the British left-of-center. That is no longer the case.
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